ECTO-1A I'm an anomaly. An Enigma. A mystery wrapped in a riddle.

ConTroll - GPT AI Prompt Injection Game

ConTroll - GPT AI Prompt Injection Game


ConTroll is a web based AI cybersecurity game I created using Python, Flask, and the OpenAI API. The game is built like all OpenAI based chat-bots and has a hidden system prompt. Your goal is to enter something into the chat input field that will convince OpenAI to respond in a way that reveals the password hidden in the system prompt.

Each level has a different system prompt that uses various natural language methods to protect the information in that prompt.

Try it out at


Technology Used

Back End

  • Python
  • OpenAI API
  • Flask

Front End

  • html
  • css
  • javascript


  • Cloud Hosting with Linode
  • Ubuntu Linux
  • Gunicorn
  • Nginx

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